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The view's still great
The beaver pond
road building in the Foothills
The Straight of Georgia
Arbutis tree
On the look out for rabbits
The Foothills peoplel say they planted 50,000 trees
The road up to the look out
The Enforcer

Fire weed
Arbutis trees
May be a dove, or a pigeon
The woods near our house
Two Canadian passions
Bear food
Thimble berries
Green blackberries
The power went out one evening
so we went outside
for these pretty nice sunsets :)
Life's really hard for Ferguson dogs
These guys sat over us for an entire picnic lunch
Rathtreavor Beach picnic area
mixed Arbutus and Lodge Pole Pines
One of Sandy's front yard visitors
Mill Bay
Sunrise on July 31

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